ABD'nin bu hamlesi şimdilik Yunanistan için bir avantaj gibi görünüyor... Ama ne yazık ki orta vadede Yunanistan'ı çok sıkıntıya sokacak... Yunanistan'ın ekonomik kırılganlığı ve AB'deki konumu düşünüldüğünde. Elinde pek fazla seçenek yok gibi görünüyor.
Yunanistan böyle devam ederse çok yakında Türkiye dışında birçok devletle çatışmaya girecek.
ABD, Türkiye ile doğrudan savaşmaya hevesli değil. Elbette başlangıçta
askeri üstünlüğü sağlayacak kaynaklar ve teknoloji var (ancak bunlar ne
Vietnam'da, ne Afganistan'da, ne Irak'ta ne de Suriye'de istenilen
başarıyı getirmedi).
ise her türlü savaşta deneyimli bir ülkedir. ABD, NATO deneyiminden
böyle bir durumda sürprizlerle karşılaşacağını biliyor. ABD doğrudan
çatışma isteseydi, koşullar çok daha uygun olduğunda bunu Irak ve
Suriye'de kullanırdı.
böyle bir durumda doğrudan bir çatışma yerine Yunanistan'ı öne
çıkaracakları kesindir. Bunun yerine ABD, Birinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan
sonra galip gelenlerin yaptığı gibi lojistik ve mali destek sağlamayı
tercih edecek.
Ancak bu
çatışmaların ve desteğin bedelini Yunan halkı ve Yunan doğal kaynakları
üzerinden karşılayamayacakları kesindir. Onu işgal altındaki
topraklardan ve halk üzerinden çıkaramayacaklar.
Birleşik Devletleri, duygusal nedenlerle hiçbir eylemde bulunmaz. ABD
bunu çıkarlarını en üst düzeye çıkaracak şekilde alıyor.
durumda ABD'nin çok daha büyük hedefleri olduğunu düşünmek gerekiyor.
Ve Türkiye'nin ABD'nin ana hedefi olmadığını düşünmek yanlış olmaz.
İkincil olabilir.
Dünyada ciddi bir enerji krizi var. Bu maliyet hem üretim maliyetleri hem de çevresel baskılar nedeniyle artmaktadır.
bu pazarı kontrol etmekte zorlanıyor. Önce Türkiye üzerinden çeşitli
yollar denedi ama son 25 yılda bu kontrolü sağlayamadı. ABD Türkiye'ye
baskı yapınca Türkiye uzaklaştı.
tüm politikalarına rağmen Rusya Akdeniz'e çıktı ve üsler kazandı.
Rusya'yı Türkiye üzerinden engelleyemeyen ABD, şimdi de Yunanistan
üzerinden kontrol etmeye çalışıyor.
Türkiye ile ilgili endişelerini kullanarak, onu silahlandırarak ve
istenilen mevzilere ulaşarak, sadece Rusya'nın değil, diğer Balkan ve
Karadeniz ülkelerinin Akdeniz'e ulaşımını ve lojistiğini de kontrol
edecektir. Elbette sadece Balkan ve Karadeniz ülkeleri değil, ekonomik
olarak zengin AB pazarına ulaşmak isteyen Çin ve diğer Asya ülkelerinin
Akdeniz limanlarına erişimleri de kontrol edilecek.
Karadeniz kıyısında bulunan Balkan ülkeleriyle çeşitli şekillerde
olumlu ilişkilere sahip olsalar da, bu devletlerin hareketlerinde ABD ve
Yunanistan'ın denetimi arttıkça, gerilimlere de yol açacağı kesindir.
durumda Yunanistan sadece Türkiye ile değil, diğer komşu Balkan ve
Karadeniz devletleriyle de çatışmalara girecek gibi görünüyor.
çıkarlarını maksimize etmek için bu bölgede... Silah satışları, ucuz
hammaddeler, gelişmekte olan ülke pazarlarındaki hakimiyet...
İngiltere'nin AB'den çıkmasıyla birlikte AB'de birliği bir arada tutan
iki güç var; Fransa ve Almanya. (Almanya'nın üretim gücüyle liderliği,
katı hal yapısıyla tescillenmiştir.)
birlik içindeki liderliğini artırmaya çalışırken, kendi kamuoyunun da
dikkatini dışarıya çekmeye çalışıyor gibi görünüyor...
Elbette bu gelişmeler sırasında NATO'nun dağılması gerekecektir.
yıl önceki dünya siyasetindeki Anglo-Sakson yönelim, Ülke değişse de
devam ediyor. Bu yönlendirme şimdiye kadar 2 dünya savaşına neden
This move of the United States seems to be an advantage for Greece for now... But unfortunately it will put Greece in a lot of trouble in the medium term... Considering Greece's economic fragility and its position in the EU. It seems like there are not many options in its hands.
If Greece continues like this, she will soon enter into conflict with many states other than Turkey.
Because the USA is not eager to fight directly with Turkey. Of course, there are the resources and technology to provide military superiority at the beginning (but these did not bring the desired success in either Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria).
Turkey, on the other hand, is a country experienced in any kind of war. The US knows from NATO experience that they have surprises to face in such a situation. If US had wanted direct conflict, US would have used it in Iraq and Syria when the conditions were much more favorable.
Moreover, in such a situation, it is certain that they will put Greece forward instead of a direct conflict. Instead, US will prefer to provide logistical and financial support as the victors did after the First World War.
However, it is certain that they will not be able to incur the cost of these conflicts and support through the Greek people and Greek natural resources. They will not be able to take it out of the occupied lands and over the people.
The United States does not take any of its actions for emotional reasons. The United States takes it in a way that maximizes its interests.
In this situation, it is necessary to think that the USA has much bigger goals. And it would not be wrong to think that Turkey is not the main target of the USA. Could be a secondary.
There is a serious energy crisis in the world. This cost increases due to both production costs and environmental pressures.
The US is struggling to control this market. First, he tried various ways through Turkey, but he could not achieve this control in the last 25 years. As US put pressure on Turkey, Turkey moved away.
Despite all the policies of the USA, Russia landed in the Mediterranean and gained bases. The USA, which could not prevent Russia through Turkey, is now trying to control it through Greece.
By using Greece's concerns about Turkey, arming it and reaching the desired positions, it will control the transportation and logistics of not only Russia but also other Balkan and Black Sea countries to the Mediterranean. Of course, not only the Balkan and Black Sea countries, but also the access to Mediterranean ports of China and other Asian countries that want to reach the rich EU market, economically, will be controlled.
Although they have positive relations in various ways with the Balkan countries, which are currently on the Black Sea coast, it is certain that as the control of the USA and Greece increases in the movements of these states, it will also cause tensions.
In this case, it seems that Greece will enter into conflicts not only with Turkey, but also with other neighboring Balkan and Black Sea states.
France is in this region for the maximization of interests... Weapons sales, cheap raw materials, dominance in developing country markets... With the withdrawal of England from the EU, there are two forces that hold the union together in the EU; France and Germany. (Germany's leadership with its production power has been registered with its solid state structure.)
While France is trying to increase its leadership position in the union, it seems as if it is trying to attract the attention of its own public opinion to the outside...
Of course, during these developments, NATO will have to disband.
The Anglo-Saxon orientation in world politics 100 years ago continues even though the Country has changed. This redirection has caused 2 world wars so far.
This move of the United States seems to be an advantage for Greece for now... But unfortunately it will put Greece in a lot of trouble in the medium term... Considering Greece's economic fragility and its position in the EU. It seems like there are not many options in its hands.
If Greece continues like this, she will soon enter into conflict with many states other than Turkey.
Because the USA is not eager to fight directly with Turkey. Of course, there are the resources and technology to provide military superiority at the beginning (but these did not bring the desired success in either Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria).
Turkey, on the other hand, is a country experienced in any kind of war. The US knows from NATO experience that they have surprises to face in such a situation. If US had wanted direct conflict, US would have used it in Iraq and Syria when the conditions were much more favorable.
Moreover, in such a situation, it is certain that they will put Greece forward instead of a direct conflict. Instead, US will prefer to provide logistical and financial support as the victors did after the First World War.
However, it is certain that they will not be able to incur the cost of these conflicts and support through the Greek people and Greek natural resources. They will not be able to take it out of the occupied lands and over the people.
The United States does not take any of its actions for emotional reasons. The United States takes it in a way that maximizes its interests.
In this situation, it is necessary to think that the USA has much bigger goals. And it would not be wrong to think that Turkey is not the main target of the USA. Could be a secondary.
There is a serious energy crisis in the world. This cost increases due to both production costs and environmental pressures.
The US is struggling to control this market. First, he tried various ways through Turkey, but he could not achieve this control in the last 25 years. As US put pressure on Turkey, Turkey moved away.
Despite all the policies of the USA, Russia landed in the Mediterranean and gained bases. The USA, which could not prevent Russia through Turkey, is now trying to control it through Greece.
By using Greece's concerns about Turkey, arming it and reaching the desired positions, it will control the transportation and logistics of not only Russia but also other Balkan and Black Sea countries to the Mediterranean. Of course, not only the Balkan and Black Sea countries, but also the access to Mediterranean ports of China and other Asian countries that want to reach the rich EU market, economically, will be controlled.
Although they have positive relations in various ways with the Balkan countries, which are currently on the Black Sea coast, it is certain that as the control of the USA and Greece increases in the movements of these states, it will also cause tensions.
In this case, it seems that Greece will enter into conflicts not only with Turkey, but also with other neighboring Balkan and Black Sea states.
France is in this region for the maximization of interests... Weapons sales, cheap raw materials, dominance in developing country markets... With the withdrawal of England from the EU, there are two forces that hold the union together in the EU; France and Germany. (Germany's leadership with its production power has been registered with its solid state structure.)
While France is trying to increase its leadership position in the union, it seems as if it is trying to attract the attention of its own public opinion to the outside...
Of course, during these developments, NATO will have to disband.
The Anglo-Saxon orientation in world politics 100 years ago continues even though the Country has changed. This redirection has caused 2 world wars so far.